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We guarantee our products to withstand wind gusts and hurricanes of category 2

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We guarantee our products to withstand wind gusts and hurricanes of category 2. Our products have been tested and have withstood hurricanes and gusty winds that have passed on category 3 and 1 / 2 (tested in the state of Florida in the United States.)

Regarding our climate in Canada, we are currently experiencing gusts of winds that are moving Category 1 and ½.

The durability and weight of our timber, 40% heavier, stronger and much harder than teak wood and 4 feet deep that are buried, ensure stability in all seasons.

The main component of our timber structures is Tajibo (Tabebuia IPE); this timber is suitable to withstand high mechanical and climatic pressures. Due to its high natural resistance against decay and termite resistance, Tajibo wood is highly sought after and appreciated for both indoor and outdoor use such as the famous "board walk" of Atlantic City.

The Jatata palm we use is totally ecological. Due to a unique weaving technique, the roof of palm Jatata is resistant and waterproof. The Jatata used for the manufacture of our roofs is non flammable and has a natural repellent to insects and bats. His esthetic side, natural and unique, adds to your property a very significant value and has a lifespan of around 15 years in the South.

The Tsimanes Families (Indigenous from the Bolivian Amazon) they are who produce and reforest the palms. They work in their account and receive a fair price for their production and thus help support their families.